So I will say, just like everything else, that this is only my opinion. I can only go on how I interpret what I have seen.
We all know that you need the trinity to rank:
- Great Content
- Focused Meta Data
- Links, Links, Links (not all links are the same)
When it comes to Meta Data, I am a fanatic. There are so many variations, of how to write it. There is the obvious where you put the keyword term first, but what goes after that? How long should it be? Total, Density, and Prominence can all be factors. Can you stuff another keyword in there?
I always suggest using Meta Data, however is it nessesary? NO.
Is it necessary to highly rank? Also NO.
"So wait, I do not get it, you just said you need it..What is wrong with you?"
Well first lets look at Meta Data.
META DATA, in any media, is just a guide to what you are going to see, hear, or just experience. It is the pamphlet when you attend a concert, graduation, and event. It tells you what you are going to see and how it is organized. However, it is not the actual experience or the 'content of the event.' That experience is like the text and/or content of your website. That is why content is king. They come to see the actual event, not the pamphlet.
Is the pamphlet required by you to understand the event? NO
Is the meta data required by the Search Engines to understand your Website? Also NO
"OK enough with the analogy I get it"
Good, so the reason I like Meta data, is because you are telling Google, Yahoo!, and Bing exactly what you want them to look for. You are telling them that you feel you are most relevant for 'this keyword or that keyword.' And most of the time they listen! Unless your content is so irrelevant.
Now, if your content is long, thorough, organized, informative, and authoritative then the search engines will easily understand your focus based on your content. They will not need the Meta Data. Furthermore, they are not restricted to, or focused on one keyword of your choice. They may index that one page for numerous keywords! Also for every different keyword indexed, your title and description will be different based on what the search engine thought you were trying to show.
Sometimes having no meta data can be more powerful, however, unless you are experienced enough to write your content correctly, then having meta can be more productive for you. ©
by Marketsite Pro
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